Info Flash N°18
April 2015
Nos Amis Les Animaux 85480 is a registered association (W852002671/SIRET 538 773 193 00015) for the protection of animals. Often called simply NALA we have members of many nationalities but mainly English and French.
We were set up in September 2010 and since then have placed about 215 animals, mainly cats, with loving, new owners. We have obtained the French equivalent of charitable status so that donations are tax-deductible.
Top stories for this month:
- Feedback required
- Annual report 2014 and Programme 2015 (only in french, see here)
- An impression of the demonstration in Les Sables d'Olonne
- Cats in need of a loving home
- Come and join Nala; together we are stronger!
Feedback Required
Saturday 11th April was the Annual General Meeting of NALA. Much to our surprise only one member turned up to see what the Committee had to say. At previous AGMs we've had a dozen or more people present, so we were a little concerned at the small attendance. On the one hand, it could be seen as a good sign: we do such a fantastic job putting the annual report on our web site that people don't see the need to go to the meeting. On the other hand, it could be that we've annoyed everybody so much that they don't want to join in anymore!
Although I tend to favour the first possible explanation, I believe that it's still necessary for people to come to the AGM. Over the years since NALA was first created our mission has evolved: we spend less time on adoption and more time on prevention. Our animals are identified, vaccinated and sterilised (or, if too young, adopted with a voucher for sterilisation). Unfortunately, our competition consists of people giving unidentified, unvaccinated and unsterilised animals away for free... So we can't ask too much for our animals. In fact, we lose on average €50 per animal.
In addition, the adoption side involves interaction with people and, if you know your Sartre, "Hell is other people." Our exhausting replies to phone calls can range from a counselling service to someone whose cat has died, to a call from someone who asks us point blank: “I want to get rid of my cat. You are an association. You have got to take my cat off me. Where have I got to take it to?”
So that's why we think that subsidising sterilisation and identification is important. For €90, less than the amount that we would spend on adopting just two cats, we can subsidise the sterilisation of three male and 3 female cats. In the first year, that prevents 2 litters of up to 5 kittens per female, so 30 kittens that would probably need new homes. And there is also the added benefit that sterilised animals are healthier and tend to have fewer behavioural problems.
We've also started to invest more time in contacting the authorities to persuade them to take measures to ensure that the rules are respected and to remind people of their responsibilities as pet owners. Of course, as a result, some people see us as trouble makers…..
Putting aside all that, what we really want to know is whether members of the association and the non-members who support us are happy with what we're doing? There is less of the warm, fuzzy feeling when we publish a photo of a newly adopted bundle of furry joy and more dark messages about human mistreatment of animals. Einstein is reported to have said, "Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former". I would like to add "human cruelty" and “apathy” to his list. We can't just sit back and do nothing about it. But do you agree? Your opinion is very important to us, so please drop us a line at
Annual report and Programme 2015 (see french version of the Infoflash here)
Demonstration in Les Sables d'Olonnes
An impression of the demonstration in Les Sables d'Olonne against factory pig farms in the Vendée and in Poiroux in particular. Nala was present with it's new banner, carried all along the demonstration by Sue and Muriel, two loyal members of Nala. We thank them and everyone else for having been there!

Come and join Nala; together we are stronger!

For those of you who haven't yet renewed their membership, please fill in the form here
Or if you want to call us first for information: Tel nr. 07 70 31 54 59 (please leave a message and we'll call you back) or email
© NALA 85480, April 2015, Bournezeau
Tél. 07 70 31 54 59
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