N.A.L.A Events Updates-How Did We Do and What Next
Posted by Stella on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 Under: For the English Nala readers
I am Dreaming Of
Cakes----Making Them,Serving Them and Happily Eating Them !!!

Hi Everybody,
For those that came to the bring and buy plant sale and cream
tea fest you will know what I mean!! What a fabulous afternoon we had –the
weather was kind to us after an unpromising start and we were able to be outside
after all. Everything went ahead as planned and we had a brilliant turnout of
Every event we have held has been just perfect and special and
this was no different with tea served so elegantly using Diana’s beautiful bone
china tea service, cakes on lovely stands – so beautifully presented it was
difficult not to over indulge. She and Alan had wanted it to be special and it
surely was.
The afternoon raised a wonderful sum that will help toward the
operation costs of Huia –little pussy cat, pictured above, after being
shot and both legs broken, has been successfully operated on
and is currently with a foster home and will be adopted soon.
Brilliant result! Huge thank you to
Diana and Allan for their hard work, planning and
generosity and to all those who contributed with plants, cakes, scones, books
etc and helped on the day to make it such a great success and of course to
everyone who came,spent so generously,and for all the donations of money and
plants from those who could not be there .
Coming up
Saturday 16th June Concert/Dance
–French Connexion and Nigel Skinner
As part of this years fund raising activities we have
organised a concert at the Salle du Chêne Vert in Mouilleron en Pareds (85390) on
Saturday 16th June. Doors open at 7.30 and we aim to start the music at 8 pm
and finish around midnight. There will be two acts French Connexion,who cover
songs from the 60’s to the 90’s and Nigel Skinner (www.stoodleydesign.com/skinner/welcome.html) who sings Elvis, Sinatra .........take a look at his web
site. FC will sing for about an hour and a half then NS will perform for an hour
and then the evening will finish off with FC .
There will a bar and some cold snacks: quiches, nuts, crisps, tarts etc
Entrance Fee: 10 euros
This will be a brilliant ,fun evening ,something
to suit everyone ------Book Now and reserve your place !
Reservations and info: Tel 06 52 60 08
84 or mail nala85480@hotmail.
And Also
Sunday June 24th
- you are invited to join us for Pimms and
Strawberries &Cream
at 32, Rue du Vivier, 85120Vouvant from
From Vouvant centre take the route to St Maurice
des Noues the house is just up on your right. There is parking in the car park
just beyond the house on the left or by the roadside.
Tickets: 8 euros
Reservations and info;Tel 02 51 00 42 05
or by mail cezais@hotmail.com
Profits from this event are being shared between
our N.A.L.A animal association and the Cancer Support Vendee-both marvellous
causes to support and have a great afternoon at the same
Thanks to you all for your
support and look forward to seeing you soon ---------any bright ideas for future
events that you can help with please let me know .
Best Wishes
In : For the English Nala readers